Lana finally joined the cult today! We all welcomed her with open arms! We went to the AT&T store this afternoon and purchased Lana her very first iPhone. The Blackberry (that she LOVED) was finally coming to the end of its life with our family. It did not go to where all good Blackberries go, because it didn't actually die. We decided to put it up for adoption and we were so lucky to have a friend in need that gladly accepted our old friend! You see, our friend that was in need... well, let's just say that Zach Morris finally got his cell phone back from her. She stole it from him in 1995 and was not giving it back! She was SO excited to get her new phone, and we were SO excited for her. So, Lana, welcome to the iPhone world. Jodie, welcome to 2010! :)
awesome post...and soon, I will be so into 2010 that I will be posting this FROM my new blackberry...Literally, laughing out loud about Zach!