Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 15... Sleep, Snore, Sleep Some More.

HAHAHA... I know that you are all cracking up at this picture... I did too when I looked at it.  Last night I had to have a sleep study.  The doctors think I have sleep apnea... I stop breathing in my sleep.  So... I had to go sleep in the hospital.  The bed was comfortable, a king!  I had 19 attachments throughout the night.  All but four of the attachments monitored my breathing/snoring/non-breathing.  The other four were, 2 attached to an EKG and 2 to monitor my leg movements.  After about 2 hours of restless sleep, the technician came in and woke me up to tell me that I had met all the criteria of someone with sleep apnea and that she would be hooking me up to a CPAP machine.  Basically, to force air through my nose and keep my airway open.  I am a mouth breather... so it was fun trying to get adjusted to breathing through my nose.  Once I finally got used to the machine, I fell asleep and slept better than I have in years!  I had the most vivid dream... it was crazy!  I never have dreams because I never get that far into sleep.  I don't think I even know what it is like to be fully rested.  I am excited about getting my own CPAP machine and sleeping better!

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